City and County of San Francisco
Minutes of the February 20, 2007 Meeting
Chair Shlain turned over the meeting to Commissioner Meko.
a) Rowe, Perrin, dba AT&T Park/Acquire the Fire, 24 Willie Mays Plaza, Loudspeaker Permit, Friday March 9, 2007, 7PM - 10PM and Saturday March 10, 2007 8AM - 10PM.
Bob Davis stated Acquire the Fire would be held at AT&T Park 24 Willie Mays Plaza. He added it was a loudspeaker permit for two days. He added the application was submitted on February 8, 2007. He added the event was the same as last year; the event was a Christian rock group that included band and speeches attendance would be 25,000 yeach day. He added SFPD set up a hot line for noise complaints. He added Vajra Granelli's reports from last year indicated the event was corporative and southern station would assign an officer. He added sound readings were taken prior to the event and staff contacted representatives from Dog Patch and Potrero Hill to alert them the event was taking place. He added a number will be published for the public for noise complaints and would be manned during the performance. He added there was a complaint last year that the sound checks started too early and staff asked that they start the sound checks an hour later.
Sarah Hunt stated she was the director of event production for AT&T Park. She added the even was the same as in the past a combination of human speech and live music. She added Friday's event went from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. with the possibility of music from 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. She added they would like to do their sound checks on Friday between 2:00 PM. and 3:00 P.M. She added they advised them to start any musical component after 10:00 A.M. due to complaints last year.
Public comment
No public comment
Commissioner Lorin to approve the permit with the stipulation of no amplification of any kind including test prior to 10:00 A.M. on Saturday Commissioner Meko second the motion.
YES - Commissioner Lorin, Commissioner Joseph Commissioner Alan Commissioner Predand Commissioner Leong and Commissioner Meko
Absent at time of vote: Commissioner Shlain
Posted 2007-03-08

(Jay Sekulow:) You did, for the Bush-Cheney campaign, you were responsible for young people, the young adults. You've seen the impact that these kids can have. How significant was that, even in the political sense?
(Jordan Sekulow:) Well it's so important, these young people, and they can be sixteen years old, they didn't even have to be able to vote yet. And that was what was so important, they can be thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, all the way up to twenty-five, and really make an impact, not just even touching those that are their own age, but the community around them, because they're, what they're doing feeds off other people and other people feed off that, when they see young people engaged in something, engaged in something they don't expect them to be in, I think that's the important thing, like politics and like these kind of these new, this revolution that's happening in youth groups.
(Jay Sekulow:) Jordan, when you were working on these campaigns, we want to make sure that people understand that these young people are really engaged on all of these significant issues.
(Jordan Sekulow:)And I'll tell you something. The folks that were most engaged, the young people that were most encouraged within the grassroots movement of the conservative movement, and really when I worked for President Bush and Bush-Cheney, this last go-round in the 2004 election, the vast majority of our young volunteers came from the evangelical movement. They're members of right-to-life clubs on campus, pro-life groups on campus, and they were conservative, and they supported President Bush, and they were great at grassroots. You know why? Their parents were great at grassroots, they were involved in abortion protests, and things like that from years and years back.
Teen Mania has had a history of periodically having political figures address its events, including President Gerald Ford, Pat Robertson and Barbara Bush (via video).
Posted April 30, 2006

Photographs by Mike Doughney.
Posted April 11, 2006
This list of "Coalition Members and Supporters" was printed in the "BattleCry" event manual distributed at the San Francisco event, March 24, 2006. It is also included in other printed material recently distributed by Teen Mania. Note that this list is slightly different from the list that's currently on the "BattleCry" website.
- Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries
- Tommy Barnett, Phoenix First Assembly of God
- Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship
- Jerry Falwell, Liberty University
- Kirk Franklin, Fo Yo Soul, Nu Nation Ministries
- Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church
- Ted Haggard, National Association of Evangelicals
- Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn Ministries
- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
- John Maxwell, INJOY
- Josh McDowell, Josh McDowell Ministries
- Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer Ministries
- Bob Reccord, SBC North American Mission Board
- Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
- Jay Strack, Student Leadership University
"The BattlePlan: BattleCry Campaign Classified Document"
Additional supporters named in a presentation to youth pastors by Ron Luce on May 6, 2006 at McLean Bible Church, Vienna, Virginia
- Sam Brownback, U.S. Senator
- Rick Santorum, U.S. Senator
- Gary Bauer
- Hank Hanegraff
Endorsements of the book, "Battle Cry for a Generation," by Ron Luce
- Ted Haggard, National Association of Evangelicals
- Rick Santorum, U.S. Senator
- Sean Hannity
- Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries
- David Barton, Wallbuilders
- Kirk Franklin
- David Ferguson, Intimate Life Ministries
- Josh McDowell
- Jack Hayford, Church on the Way / President, Foursquare Church International (and Teen Mania board member)
- Jay Strack, Student Leadership University
- Myles Munroe, Bahamas Faith Ministries International (and Teen Mania board member)
- Chris Hill, CHM International
- Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer Ministries
- Willie George, Oneighty
- Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church
- Scott Snook, Associate Professor, Harvard Business School
- Edwin Meese III, Former Attorney General
Additional endorsments for "Revolution YM" by Ron Luce
- Joseph Tkach, President, Worldwide Church of God
- Jeff Farmer, President, Open Bible Churches
- G. Craig Williford, President, Denver Seminary
- Berton A. Waggoner, National Director, Vineyard Churches USA
- John E. Zuch, Executive Director for Church Ministries, The Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Pete White, Student Ministries Coordinator, General Baptist Ministries
- Steve Ely, National Youth Director, International Pentecostal Holiness Church
- Thomas J. Usher, CEO, US Steel Corp.
- Mark Rutland, President, Southeastern University
- Jerry Falwell, Founder and Chancellor, Liberty University
- Les Christie, Chair, Youth Ministry Development, William Jessup University
- Bo Boshers, Executive Director of Student Ministries, Willow Creek Association
- Tom Muccio, Retired President, Global Customer Teams, Procter & Gamble (and Teen Mania President's Council member)
Teen Mania Board of Directors
- Daniel Williams - Chairman
Founder, Calvary International
Senior Pastor, Christ the Redeemer Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida - Ron Luce - President and Founder
Teen Mania Ministries - Katie Luce - Secretary and Co-Founder
Teen Mania Ministries - George Babbes - Treasurer
Professor, Azusa Pacific University - Jack Hayford - Member
Chancellor, The King's Seminary
President, Foursquare International Church - Peter Lowe - Member
Former President, Peter Lowe Success Seminars
President, Get Motivated Seminars - Myles Munroe - Member
Senior Pastor, Bahamas Faith Ministries International - Lisa Robertson - Member
Board Member, Dayshore, LLC
"Lisa is the daughter-in-law of the CBN and 700 Club founder, Pat Robertson."
Teen Mania President's Council
- Jeff Jernigan
Corporate Mastery and Health, USA - John Maxwell
President, INJOY Life Club - Tom Muccio
CEO, Next Generation Industries and BioBased Systems - Randy Phillips
President, Promise Keepers - David Shibley
President, Global Advance
Posted 2006-04-30
Last updated 2008-02-01
Individuals who expressed their support of Teen Mania via a videotape shown at "Day One," April 2, 1999, which was included on a videotape of that event later sold by Teen Mania. They were introduced as "fathers and mothers of the faith" by Ron Luce.
- Joyce Meyer (televangelist)
- Roger Cross, President, Youth For Christ, Campus Life
- Dal Shealy, President, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Bill Bright, Founder/President, Campus Crusade for Christ (deceased)
- Bill McCartney, President, Promise Keepers
- James Robison (televangelist)
- Freda Lindsay, co-founder, Christ For The Nations
- Dawson McAllister
- Morris Cerullo, Founder, President, World Evangelism
- Robert Schuller, Pastor, "Hour of Power"
- Pat Robertson, President, CBN / 700 Club
- David Mainse, "100 Huntley Street" (Toronto, Canada televangelist)
- Tommy Barnett (Phoenix First Assembly of God)
- Creflo Dollar (World Changers Church International, College Park, Georgia)
- Barbara Bush, former First Lady
- President George H.W. Bush
Speakers at "Day One," Pontiac Silverdome, April 23-24, 1999 - Teen Mania's first stadium-sized event. (Not a complete list)
- Ryan Dobson
- Jerry Falwell, Thomas Road Baptist Church / Liberty University
- Myles Munroe, Bahamas Faith Ministries
- John Maxwell, INJOY
- Josh McDowell
Individuals advertised in Teen Mania materials as participating in "Day One" but who were not present for the event itself
- E. V. Hill (deceased)
- Beverly LaHaye, Concerned Women for America
Speakers at "Stand Up," Pontiac Silverdome, April 2000 (Not a complete list)
- Marvin Winans
- Jack Hayford
- John Maxwell
- Myles Munroe
- Bill Hybels
- Tommy Barnett
- Dawson McAllister
- Josh McDowell
- Reggie White (deceased)
- Pat Robertson
- Steven Ford
- President Gerald R. Ford (deceased)
Speakers at "Stand Up Florida," St. Petersburg, Florida, March 2-3, 2001 (from the event manual)
- John Maxwell
- Myles Munroe
- Ted Haggard
- Katie Luce
- Wally Magdangal
- Bruce Olsson
- Jack Hayford
- Pam Stenzel
- Josh McDowell
Speakers at "Stand Up: the Invasion," Indianapolis, Indiana, April 19-20, 2002 (from the event manual)
- Bruce Wilkinson
- Pam Stenzel
- Heather Mercer
- Dayna Curry
- Kurt Warner
- Wally Magdangal
- "Sting" (Steve Borden)
- "The Million Dollar Man" (Ted DiBiase)
- Mike Skupin
- Jeanne Mayo
- "The Russian Nightmare" (Nikita Koloff)
"Board of Reference" from 1993-1994 "Acquire the Fire" brochure. Affiliations are current unless indicated.
- Billy Joe Daugherty, Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Howard L. Foltz, Guest Professor, Southwest Christian University, and Professor of Divinity, Regent University
- Willie George, Church on the Move, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Carlton Pearson, New Dimensions Worship Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Gregg Johnson, Jesus at Twelve, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; former National Youth Director, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
- Jim Kaseman, Association of Faith Churches and Ministers, Branson, Missouri
- Terry Law, President, World Compassion, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Charles Snow, Professor of Preaching and Leadership, Oral Roberts University
- Robert (Bob) Stamps, Beulah United Methodist Church, Richmond, Virginia; Chaplain, Oral Roberts University (1971-82)
- Eric Watt, Reaching Unreached Nations, Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Hugh (Hubert) Morken, former Professor of Political Science, Regent University, and former Professor of Government, Oral Roberts University
- Tommy Reid, The Tabernacle, Orchard Park, New York, and board member, Church Growth International
- Bob Weiner, Weiner Ministries International, Gainesville, Florida
Posted 2006-04-30
Last updated 2007-01-15
FILE NO. 060371
[Condemning upcoming rally to be held by anti-abortion groups in front of City Hall on Friday, March 24, 2006]
Resolution condemning upcoming rally to be held by anti-abortion groups in front of City Hall on Friday, March 24, 2006.
WHEREAS, It is an act of provocation when a right-wing Christian fundamentalist group brings their anti-gay and anti-choice agenda of intolerance to the steps of San Francisco's City Hall; and
WHEREAS, It is unfortunate and alarming that those who are against reproductive and homosexual rights, and who are anti-gay as well as anti-choice, aim to negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city; and,
WHEREAS, The fact that the fringe group "Battlecry for a Generation" will rally on the front steps of City Hall should be taken by no one as an official or semi-official sanctioning of their rally nor of their message by the elected officials of San Francisco; and
WHEREAS, We hope, nevertheless, that the out of town protesters will leave our fair city filled with slightly less hatred; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors condemns the upcoming rally to be held by anti-abortion groups in front of City Hall on Friday, March 24, 2006.
Disclaimer and Comment: We've placed this document here as part of the complete historical record of these events. We do not propose that this resolution be copied and emulated by other local governments.
Posted July 2, 2006
The fine print is the citation of this San Francisco Chronicle article.
The recipient address has been removed from this image.
Posted July 2, 2006
Here are some of the covers of a few of the manuals (program booklets) that Teen Mania distributed at their events between 1998 and 2006. These events ranged in size from a few thousand people to what Teen Mania claims was 70,000 in the Pontiac Silverdome. We obtained these manuals by attending the events.
Image Series (8 images)
Posted April 30, 2006

The themes of militarism, the imperative to fight, and contempt and disgust toward other "kinds of Christian(s)" were clearly brought forth by Luce in this speech that he gave in the last session of Teen Mania's first national event, seven years ago. Today, Luce uses the same themes in today's "BattleCry" events in slightly different form, but they are nothing new; he's just brought these key elements to the forefront of his current program.

It says this, Joel chapter three verse nine: "Proclaim this among the nations. Prepare for war. Rouse the warriors. Let the fighting men draw near and attack."
Do we have any fighting men and women in here ready for a fight for some souls?
You notice, he didn't say, didn't say "let all the weak kneed, limp wristed jellybacked I hope people don't see me pray in public kinds of Christian," it says "let all the fighting men draw near and get ready to go to war."

April 24, 1999
We don't need some trite little altar call, that makes us feel all mushy, makes us feel warm fuzzies, the emotions are flowing, snot is flying, we don't need that. What we need is a meeting with God that changes our heart where we make real commitments. We need a revolution.
We don't need any, mamby pamby, kumbaya, pasty mouth, watered down, maggot infested, mold infested, candy coated tired excuse for Christianity anymore. We need a revolution!
Patrick Henry said, the battle is not to the strong, but to the vigilant, the active, and the brave. Do we have any vigilant, active, and brave in the house tonight?
We really have no other choice, we must either fight, or become slaves.
Posted April 30, 2006

Ron Luce: Would you please read along with us as President Ford leads us.
Gerald Ford: I pledge my life recognizing I am no longer my own, belonging to God who has called me to lead the world.
I pledge my character, understanding that it is the cornerstone of leadership. I make God's word the final authority directing my motives and actions.
I pledge my service realizing I am chosen by God, not by men. I will give my life away to serve others.
To this end, I will stand for the hurting, the hopeless, the unloved. I will say what others refuse to say. I will reach the world without losing sight of the neighborhood. I will walk upright, speak the truth, and live above reproach. I will not be ashamed to fall on my knees, to cry out to God, to shed tears for the dying, to [live] a life worthy of a leader, to stand up and lead my generation that all may know that Jesus Christ is alive.
Posted 2006-04-30
Updated 2006-12-27

Posted April 30, 2006

Posted April 30, 2006