A Maryland politician who ran for Congress in 2004 and lost was named by Teen Mania as part of a political campaign to influence legislation as part of the "BattleCry" campaign, while Ron Luce denies that Teen Mania is in any way a political organization. Continue reading >
In the conference program (they call it a "manual") distributed at the San Francisco "BattleCry" stadium event is this description of the Teen Mania "East Coast Regional Representatives."
A simple online search reveals the full name that's omitted from this description: John McKinnis. McKinnis ran for Congress in 2004 and lost, gaining only twenty percent of the votes of his district. Ron Luce has personally contributed $1,000 to McKinnis' political campaign. McKinnis is named as being part of a political campaign to influence legislation as part of the "BattleCry" effort, while Luce continues to deny that there is any political aspect to the "BattleCry" campaign.
According to the Washington Post, McKinnis attends Immanuel's Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.
The "Honor Academy" program that McKinnis participated in is Teen Mania's on-campus "internship" program; participants pay a monthly fee to work for the organization in various roles including marketing and media production, or as part of the "Acquire the Fire" and "BattleCry" arena events.
Posted March 28, 2006
Revised April 30, 2006